Our response to the City Plan 2030 Consultation

POSTED ON December 20, 2021

Some Cockburn reflections on the Council’s City Plan 2030 as the public consultation closes

Some Cockburn reflections on the Council’s City Plan 2030 as the public consultation closes

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Latest Holyrood Short-Term Let Consultation

POSTED ON October 27, 2021

A Scottish Parliamentary Committee consultation on short-term lets closes soon. The STL industry is encouraging its stakeholders to comment, we’re keen that local residents also have their say.

A Scottish Parliamentary Committee consultation on short-term lets closes soon. The STL industry is encouraging its stakeholders to comment, we’re keen that local residents also have their say.

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Throwing carbon in the skip – the case against demolition

POSTED ON October 13, 2021 BY Terry Levinthal

A blog from our director Terry Levinthal on the often overlooked loss of embodied carbon when a building is demolished

A blog from our director Terry Levinthal on the often overlooked loss of embodied carbon when a building is demolished

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Cockburn Street: a case for concern?

POSTED ON August 6, 2021 BY Prof Cliff Hague

A World Heritage Site should not be treated like Deadwood City circa 1870 – some reflections on local residential amenity concerns from our chairperson Prof Cliff Hague

A World Heritage Site should not be treated like Deadwood City circa 1870 – some reflections on local residential amenity concerns from our chairperson Prof Cliff Hague

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Ruminations from the Director – Are events now exempt from planning?

POSTED ON July 23, 2021 BY Terry Levinthal

Some reflections from the Director of the Cockburn on World Heritage Site status and festival events and planning consents

Some reflections from the Director of the Cockburn on World Heritage Site status and festival events and planning consents

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A Tale of Two Cities: World Heritage in Edinburgh and Liverpool

POSTED ON July 21, 2021

Our reaction to the troubling news today that the City of Liverpool lost its UNESCO status as a World Heritage Site

Our reaction to the troubling news today that the City of Liverpool lost its UNESCO status as a World Heritage Site

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How much is a public park worth?

POSTED ON June 23, 2021

Our response to the City of Edinburgh Council’s Planning Committee’s decision to permit a private commercial event in the Meadows

Our response to the City of Edinburgh Council’s Planning Committee’s decision to permit a private commercial event in the Meadows

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A big top in the Meadows: Our initial thoughts

POSTED ON May 21, 2021

Our initial thoughts on a planning application by an event company to erect a large fenced-off compound in Edinburgh’s Meadows

Our initial thoughts on a planning application by an event company to erect a large fenced-off compound in Edinburgh’s Meadows

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Proposed relaxation of local planning controls

POSTED ON May 19, 2021

Our suggestions for Edinburgh’s Planning Committee as it meets to decide whether to relax planning controls.

Our suggestions for Edinburgh’s Planning Committee as it meets to decide whether to relax planning controls.

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Short-term fixes with long-term consequences

POSTED ON May 3, 2021

Our thoughts on the long-term implications of recently suggested short-term fixes for the Scottish planning system

Our thoughts on the long-term implications of recently suggested short-term fixes for the Scottish planning system

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