Leith Links Masterplan

Posted on: July 28, 2022

Overall, we welcome the creative thinking and general approach taken. As a Masterplan, we
appreciate that considerable detailed development still needs to take place, and we offer the
following comments to this end.

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn has taken this opportunity to examine the Leith Links Masterplan and in doing so,
offer our whole-hearted support for the project and its continued development. We note that the
current condition of the Leith Links is less than optimal and that development pressures within Leith
will add future pressures to this important recreational and greenspace. The proposed Masterplan
provides the opportunity to address these issues.

Overall, we welcome the creative thinking and general approach taken. As a Masterplan, we
appreciate that considerable detailed development still needs to take place, and we offer the
following comments to this end.

The summer of 2022 illustrates the critical need to build climate resilience into the design. Climate
adaptation measures will be critical to the longer-term success and must be built into the project at
all stages. For example, the proposed blue zones need to be able to respond to major cloudburst
events as well as provide opportunities to reduce water requirements for operational needs.
Assumptions of "parkland" also need to considered. Whilst playing fields need to be regularly
mown, other grassed areas would benefit from less intrusive management methods – ie a shift from
manicured lawns to more biodiversity-friendly meadows. How this is achieved in the context of
increasing recreational demand will be a challenge.

We also feel that maintenance and repair budgets and approaches requires to be built into the
management plan in the long term, thereby ensuring a rapid response to any damage caused by use
or climate. This would require a firm set of policies for temporary events or heavy infrastructure
activities, which if allowed, require forward planning.

Finally, the curation of the landscape, from a nature perspective as well as a historic one, will be
essential. Innovative ways of interpreting the Links should be explored and go beyond the usual
information boards and plaques, however good these will be.

In summary, the Association welcomes this masterplan and supports its development into the