Planning & Consultation Responses
A searchable archive of the Association’s comments on and responses to various planning applications and consultations.
A disappointing design
More technical reassurance is required
The Association does not support an increase in the number of major events at the...
The Cockburn will seek reassurance on several proposed changes.
We believe that the main objective of the levy is to improve the City of...
Market forces alone are insufficient to determine how and where new office and new hotels...
A comprehensive heritage and visual assessment is required
The precedent that could be set is enormous
Public space will be infringed
Approval should only be made on an annual basis
Measures to incorporate a greater amount of the original fabric are required
A key walking, wheeling and cycling link for surrounding communities
For the Cockburn, this proposal extends the discussion into the wider promotional and tourism marketing...
This proposal must inevitably impeded pedestrian and wheeling access.