Henderson Place Lane Development

Posted on: July 8, 2021

Our initial response to developer about their plans to demolish existing buildings in Henderson Place Lane and build new apartments

Address: 7 Henderson Place Lane, Edinburgh,

Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings on site and erection of residential development of approximately 40 apartments

Closing date for comments: Friday 9th July

Result: N/A

Cockburn Response

We welcome the redevelopment of this site for housing. But clarification of the justification for the demolition of this relatively modern building rather than its repurposing is required. This would appear to be a more sustainable option in a part of the city dominated by heritage designations. In addition, and importantly, renovation and repurposing of usable buildings must be an essential first consideration if the City of Edinburgh is to reach its stated target carbon neutrality by 2030. conversion.

The original Silvermills masterplan restricted the scale and density of development in this area. Clarification should be given be on whether and how the current redevelopment proposal is consisted with original masterplan’s aims.

Further information is also required on the proposed housing mix, tenure types and social rented housing component is also required.