Inverleith Row Telecoms Mast

Posted on: July 12, 2024

Proposed telecommunications installation  in  a conservation area should be located in an inconspicuous location

Address: 25 Metres East Of 35 Inverleith Row Edinburgh

Proposal: Removal of existing VM02 20m high pole and installation of 20m high pole, with ancillary infrastructure

Reference: 24/02720/FUL

Closing date for comments: Fri 12 Jul 2024

Determination date: Tue 06 Aug 2024

Cockburn Response

Proposals for prominent telecommunications installations in conservation areas continue to come forward and generally result in  significant local concern regarding their siting and their potential negative impact on the character and amenity of  individual conservation areas.

Local planning authorities are under a duty to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas . Policies need to be developed which clearly identify what it is about the character or appearance of the area which should be preserved or enhanced and the means of achieving that objective.

Given the frequency with which telecommunications  installations are proliferating across the city.  The need to clarify if, when and how such installations  can be sited within a conservation areas is urgent.

It is our view that such proposals  should not add to street clutter on busy pedestrian thoroughfares or in vicinity of  busy road  junctions.  Applications in conservation  areas should certainly be refused if it is determined that the benefits of the proposed installation are deemed not to outweigh the harm caused to the unique character  of the conservation area and if there is insufficient evidence that alternative sites or mast sharing opportunities have been adequately explored.

We understand the essential requirement for modern telecommunications infrastructure in our city and its importance to residents, visitors and businesses. However, we believe that, in consultation with local stakeholders, any  proposed telecommunications installation  in  a conservation area should be located in an inconspicuous location, dis-aggregated into smaller, less conspicuous arrays or co-located on an existing installation if this is achievable.