Edinburgh’s Christmas 2024

Posted on: October 11, 2024

Approval should only be made on an annual basis

Address:  East Princes Steet Gardens, West Princes Street Gardens, George Street

Proposal: Erection of ice rink, market traders and Christmas stalls etc,  installation of Edinburgh’s Christmas 2024 at East Princes Street Gardens and The Mound precinct, and temporary change of use and siting of performance units, catering units and other associated moveable structures for Edinburgh’s Christmas Festival

Reference No: 24/04245/FUL | 24/04436/FUL | 24/04293/FUL

Closing date for comments: Fri 11 October 2024

Determination date: Fri 15 November 2024

Result: Pending

Cockburn Response

We have reviewed  the submitted applications relating to for Edinburgh’s Christmas 2024 which aim to secure the festive event’s presence until 2026.

In broad terms the proposals encompasses “up to 75” trading concessions, a range of family attractions, along with Big Wheel and Star Flyer attractions.

We note the timely submission of this year’s planning application and the increased level of detail provided when compared to last year. We also understand that Unique Assembly, the organization responsible for Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay celebrations, has expressed its commitment to addressing concerns regarding environmental impact and overcrowding that have been raised in relation to last year’s events. It is very encouraging that the company has been collaborating closely with council officials  to find solutions to these annual challenges.

We acknowledge that this year’s planning applications reflect  the efforts being made to promote a more manageable and sustainable event,  including the development of additional space to facilitate crowd movement and the establishment of new safe access routes.

However, we have decided to object to the following applications 24/04245/FUL  (George Street), 24/04436/FUL  (East Princes Street Gardens), and 24/04293/FUL (West Princes Street Gardens).  In all cases, we are objecting because planning permission is being sought for a three year period.  In our view this in inappropriate for such large scale and dynamic events where the potential for new and emerging challenges and opportunities in the near term require both Unique assembly and the  planning authority to be agile in their deliver of, and approval of,  large scale events such as this.  Approval should only be made on an annual basis.

If approval for three years in given.  Provision should be made to ensure that key learning points from  a thorough post-event assessment  of this year’s event management and environmental impact are rolled forward into subsequent events.

It would also be informative  to undertake a detailed assessment of the economic impact on city centre venues attributable to this year’s city centre Christmas events.