Arthur Street Student Accomodation
Posted on: February 10, 2023
This current application is unnecessary and unwelcome.
Address: 27 Arthur Street Edinburgh EH6 5DA
Proposal: The demolition of existing buildings and erection of purpose-built student accommodation with associated landscaping, and cycle parking
Ref No: 22/06119/FUL
Closing date for comments: Fri 10 Feb 2022
Determination date: Fri 10 March 2023
Result: Pending

Cockburn Response
Although we acknowledge that a housing scheme has only recently been consented on this site, and that the current proposals are broadly similar to that scheme, nevertheless, we do not believe that the building form and materiality enhances the character of the Conservation Area nor does it preserve its character.
We object to this proposal for PBSA on the grounds of intensification of use in a primarily residential area, bearing in mind also the density of PBSA’s in the nearby neighbourhood. This seems contrary to Policy HOUSING 7 where uses will not be permitted in predominately residential or mixed use areas i.e. uses which would have a materially detrimental effect on the living conditions of nearby residents. This might be particularly relevant if the proposed accommodation is potentially open to use as short-term holiday lets during non-term times.
The approved application is for 33 apartments, represent 68 bed spaces by our counting. We see no reason why the approved development cannot be used to accommodate students, if such use is deemed accepted in this location.. This would address a particular need for non-first year students who are looking for traditional flats to share to friends. Indeed, doing so may help diversity and improve the variety of student accommodation on offer across the city.
This current application is therefore unnecessary and unwelcome.