Stockbridge Parish Hall

Posted on: November 14, 2024

A comprehensive heritage and visual assessment is required

Address:   Stockbridge Parish Hall 105 St Stephen Street Stockbridge Edinburgh EH3 5AQ

Proposal: Installation of solar panels.

Reference No: 24/05336/FUL

Closing date for comments: Fri 06 Dec 2024

Determination date: Fri 27 Dec 202

Result: Pending

Cockburn Response

We have commented on this application.

An application relating to an A-listed building in a Conservation Area should be accompanied by a comprehensive heritage and visual assessment.

This application is deficient in these necessary items and it is not possible to fully assess the actual or potential impact of the proposed panels and any associated infrastructure of the heritage features of this building.  In addition, given the age and nature of this building it would have been helpful if an assessment of the carbon benefit and energy performance    of the proposed panels had been included.

Based on the information provided the potential for a negative visual impact on the World Heritage Site seems limited.  But a more comprehensive set of views to the site from key points in the surrounding cityscape is required.

This application should be assessed against appropriate policies in the recently approved City Plan 2030 including:

Env 9 World Heritage Sites    Development which would harm the qualities of World Heritage Sites and which justifed the inscription of the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh and/or the Forth Bridge as World Heritage Sites (i.e. their Outstanding Universal Value) or would have a detrimental impact upon their setting, will not be permitted.

Env 12 Listed Buildings and structures – Alterations and Extensions    Proposals to alter or extend a listed building will be permitted where: a. there will be no harm to the special interest of the building and its features, b. there will be no damage or loss of important historic fabric, and c. any additions are of a high-quality design that are appropriate to the character of the building.

Env 14 Conservation Areas – Development Development within a conservation area, affecting its setting or impacting views of the area and from within it will be supported by this policy where it:  a. preserves or enhances the special character or appearance of the conservation area and is consistent with the relevant conservation area character appraisal b. preserves trees, hedges, boundary walls, railings, paving and other features within the public realm which contribute positively to the special character or appearance of the conservation area, and c. demonstrates high standards of design and utilises materials appropriate to the historic environment.

Inf 16 Sustainable Energy and Heat Networks Development of low and zero carbon energy schemes including small-scale wind turbine generators, solar panels, ground and air source heat pumps, water source heat and power, heat and/or power networks where energy comes from a renewable/ low carbon source, and energy storage schemes that help support low and zero carbon energy schemes will be supported provided the proposals: a. do not cause significant harm to the local environment, including natural heritage interests and the character and appearance of listed buildings and conservation areas and, b. will not unacceptably affect the amenity of neighbouring and future occupiers or users of open space by reason of, for example, noise emission or visual dominance.