Virgin Hotel Roof Terrace

Posted on: April 14, 2021

Our objection to the proposed roof garden on Edinburgh’s new Virgin Hotel

Address: 1 India Buildings Victoria Street Edinburgh EH1 2EX

Ref No: 21/01323/FUL

Closing date for comments: 16th April 2021

Proposal: Erect a metal balustrade on the flat roof of the building at level seven and introduce a terraced garden area for guests and visitors to the hotel.

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn Association OBJECTS to this application.

This application has been brought to our attention by Cockburn stakeholders resident in the Grassmarket area.

It is most unfortunate that this proposal was not part of the original planning application for this hotel which would have been the appropriate opportunity to fully scrutinize its potential impact in the context of the development as a whole.

We are particularly concerned that, if approved, the proposed roof garden will generate an unacceptable negative impact on local residential amenity from noise, disturbance and light pollution.  And we note that it overlooks both the Edinburgh Central Library and Greyfriars Kirkyard, both relatively quiet and peaceful locations in the heart of the already busy and congested Old Town.

Given the various uses and users proposed for this roof garden.  It seems not unlikely that the roof garden will be a potential source of disturbance throughout much of the year, night and day.