Victoria Swing Bridge
Posted on: October 15, 2021
We welcome this application to conserve and restore a significant piece of Leith’s built heritage
Address: Victoria Swing Bridge Ocean Drive Edinburgh
Proposal: Refurbishment works including: Installation of bollards; timber deck and structure repair and replacement; localised metal plating repair and replacement; works to improve drainage at U-channels including replacement of timber covering with removeable chequer plates and associated fixings and provision for drainage; installation of mesh to underside of Bridge; redecoration; and signage.
Reference No: 21/04663/LBC
Closing date for comments: 15 Oct 2021
Determination date: 5 Nov 2021
Result: Pending
Cockburn Response
The Cockburn Association WELCOMES this application to conserve and restore the Category A listed Victoria Swing Bridge in the Port of Leith.
The Victoria Swing Bridge is an important and rare example of a 19th century counterweighted swing bridge. The clear span of the bridge was the largest yet attempted in the UK at the time of construction in 1871-74 and it remains the largest counterweighted swing bridge in Scotland. It is very prominently located, forming a key part of a wider grouping of industrial landmarks at Leith Docks, Scotland’s largest contiguous wet dock complex.
In the 1990s the Cockburn Association recognised its importance as an invaluable part of Scotland’s industrial heritage and of the Port of Leith’s inheritance and successfully fought to save it from demolition.
Its proposed restoration back into active use is a testament to the dedication and commitment of local activists who have steadfastly worked to bring this about. Forth Ports is to be commended for its investment in repairing and refurbishing the A-listed Victoria Swing Bridge to serve as an outdoor community space.