Tenement infill proposal at 6 Bangholm Terrace
Posted on: December 2, 2021
Our submitted comments on an inappropriate proposal for a highly constrained, tenement-bound site in Inverleith
Address: 6 Bangholm Terrace Edinburgh EH3 5QN
Proposal: Construction of a new dwelling in a gap site between two tenement gables.
Reference No: 21/05811/FUL
Closing date for comments: Fri 03 Dec 2021
Determination date: Fri 31 Dec 2021
Result: Pending
Cockburn Response
The Cockburn Association OBJECTS to this application.
We do not consider that this proposal is appropriate or that this site, given the many relevant constraints, represents a valid development opportunity.
The proposed development is clearly inconsistent with the character of the adjacent tenement buildings and with the general character, form and pattern of residential properties in the Conservation Area as a whole. On similar sites, a tall, modern tenement infill might have been anticipated and could have been acceptable. However, in this situation, it seems clear from the design of the adjacent tenements on Bangholm Terrace that this gap site is an intentional part of the building and street design and that it should not be interpreted as an opportunity for residential or development infill. Moreover, the limited available project footprint indicates that a large, more ambitious scheme is simply not possible on this site, even if it were viewed as desirable.
Importantly, the existing ‘gap’ between the tenements on Bangholm Terrace affords light and air to the gable end windows of many principal rooms of flats in the existing residential blocks and to the shared garden areas beyond. Any development that detracts from these essential amenities and resources should not be approved. The loss of light, fresh air and any decrease in privacy for existing residents may be felt most acutely by residents on the lower levels of the existing blocks. But the development, if permitted, will detract from the amenity and wellbeing of all existing residents with gable end windows and shared garden access.
The following policies are of relevance to the consideration of this application:
- Policy Des 1 Design Quality and Context Planning permission should not be granted for this proposal as it would negatively impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
- Policy Des 4 Development Design – Impact on Setting (specifically aspects (a), (b) and (c)) Fails to demonstrate a positive impact on its surroundings, including the character of the wider townscape and landscape, and impact on existing views a) inappropriate height and form in relation to surrounding b) scale and proportions fail to respect those of adjacent properties / entire street c) site inappropriate for accommodating a building Policy Env 3 Listed Buildings – Setting Proposal would be detrimental to the architectural character, appearance, and historic interest of the setting of a group of 10No. Category B Listed Buildings situated opposite the entrance to Bangholm Terrace.
- Policy Des 5 Development Design – Amenity which states that “Planning permission will be granted for development where it is demonstrated that: a) the amenity of neighbouring developments is not adversely affected and that future occupiers have acceptable levels of amenity in relation to noise, daylight, sunlight, privacy or immediate outlook.
- Policy Env 6 Conservation Areas – Development a) Fails to preserve or enhance the special character or appearance of Inverleith Conservation Area or to be consistent with the Inverleith Conservation Area Character Appraisal. b) Does not preserve the boundary wall which in its current form contributes positively to the character of the area. c) Does not demonstrate high standards of design as outlined in objection above.