Sibbald Walk
Posted on: September 13, 2023
Student accommodation may be acceptable on this site. but only as part of a part of a mixed-use development which conforms to City Plan 2030 and which includes affordable housing, commercial and community spaces and appropriate climate-ready landscaping and greenspace.
Address: Land East Of 16 Sibbald Walk, Edinburgh
Proposal: Mixed-use development comprising student accommodation, affordable housing and commercial /community uses with associated landscaping, infrastructure, and access arrangements. |
Reference No: 23/03463/FUL
Closing date for comments: Fri 15 Sep 2023
Determination date: Thu 07 Dec 2023
Cockburn Response
We have objected to this planning application.
We note that there is an existing planning approval for this site. However, we believe that over-dominance of student accommodation in the current application is undesirable and will not support the social, economic and environment sustainability of the Old Town.
We acknowledge that the proposed development is of a similar scale as the development which has approval for this site. But its taller, characterless, more monolithic appearance is at odds with the rest of the New Waverley development and with the architecture of the Old Town more generally.
Student accommodation may be acceptable on this site. but only as part of a part of a mixed-use development which conforms to City Plan 2030 and which includes affordable housing, commercial and community community spaces and appropriate climate-ready landscaping and greenspace.
The three housing units in the current proposal are clearly out of place and inconsistent with a scheme which is now entirely dominated by student housing