Short Term Let Conversion in Barony Street

Posted on: June 10, 2021

Our comments on the plan to convert another long-term residential home to a short-term commercial property

Address: 41 Barony Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6NX

Proposal: Change of use from a residential property to short term commercial visitor accommodation.

Ref No: 21/02615/FUL

Closing date for comments: 18 June 2021

Determination date: 9 July 2021

Result: Pending

Cockburn Response

This application has been brought to our attention by a Cockburn stakeholder.

It is our view that  the proposed change of use from residential to short term visitor accommodation is not consistent with Policy Hou 2 ‘Housing Mix’ as it would detract from  the provision of a mix of local house types and sizes able to meet a range of local housing needs, including those of families, older people and people with special needs, and it does not have regard to the character of the surrounding area.

The proposed change of use is not supportive of either Scottish Government Housing policy on more homes – “everyone has a quality home that they can afford and that meets their needs” or Scottish Planning Policy on “socially sustainable places” and “supporting delivery of accessible housing”.

For these reasons we object to the conversion of this property from long-term residential to short-term commercial use.