Proposed Student Accommodation Dunedin Street (Revised)

Posted on: April 19, 2024

An opportunity to engage residents in the preparation of a Local Place Plan

Address: 16 Dunedin Street Edinburgh EH7 4JG

Proposal: Revised application for redevelopment of the site for purposed purpose built student accommodation 

Reference: 24/01451/FUL

Closing date for comments:  Sat 20 Apr  2024

Determination date: Fri 24 May 2024

Cockburn Response

We acknowledge that this revised application seeks to address issues of concern raised in relation to the original, similar application on this site including overdevelopment, lack of sympathy with local built character, lack of internal/external amenity space, lack of private/public greenspace, poor integration of waste and recycling facilities.
However, our comments in relation to the original application remain relevant.
This part of Edinburgh is in danger of being redeveloped through ad hoc market driven development.
There is an ideal opportunity here to engage residents in the preparation of a Local Place Plan to enable the local community to submit ideas and proposals for their own local area. Introduced by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, Local Place Plans are a way for communities to think about how to make their place better, to agree priorities, and to take action to make change happen.
In preparing their own community-led Local Place Plan, the local community in this part of Edinburgh could express its aspirations and priorities for the future through the submission of ideas and proposals for the development or use of land and buildings.
Once registered, the Local Place Plan could then be taken into account by The City of Edinburgh Council a material consideration when planning applications are being considered.