Proposed student accommodation development, Eyre Place
Posted on: September 2, 2022
The potential of the proposed development to adversely impact existing properties in terms of noise, overshadowing and privacy is clear.
Address: 74 Eyre Place, Edinburgh EH3 5EL
Proposal: Erection of student accommodation with associated amenity space, access, cycle parking and landscaping (142 studio flats) (as amended). | 72 – 74 Eyre Place Edinburgh EH3 5EL
Reference No: 22/03834/FUL
Closing date for comments: 2 September 2022
Determination date: 30 September 2022
Result: Pending
Cockburn Response
The Cockburn OBJECTS to this application.
We acknowledge that student accommodation developments can bring many benefits to local communities. However, in this relatively small, constrained site the height, size and scale of the proposed development is entirely unacceptable.
This is a largely residential neighbourhood which is not particularly close to any academic centre. The area’s existing architectural context and residential character must inevitably be adversely impacted by a development of the proposed height, mass and scale given its proximity to established residential properties. The potential of the proposed development to adversely impact existing properties in terms of noise, overshadowing and privacy is clear. Policy ENV6 and HOU5 seem particularly relevant to the consideration of this development.
We have also been alerted to detailed observations and comments which have been made by local residents concerning both this development and a related proposal for townhouses on Eyre Place Lane. These detailed observations require full consideration by planning officers.
The lack of a fully up-to-date and comprehensive assessment of both student accommodation demand and existing or approved provision across the city is unhelpful when assessing this or similar applications for student accommodation. In addition, the continuing loss of small industrial sites in the community, such as this development site , actively works against the achievement of the 20 Minute Neighbourhood concept being actively promoted by the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government.
Image: Taken from public Planning Application – copyright may be restricted