Portobello High Street Telecoms Mast Installation Application
Posted on: February 25, 2022
The proposed telecommunications equipment would result in excessive visual clutter within the streetscape.
Address: 17 Metres East Of 69 Portobello High Street Edinburgh
Proposal: Proposed 5G telecoms installation comprising streetpole and 3x cabinets with ancillary works. | Proposed Telecoms Apparatus 17 Metres East Of 69 Portobello High Street Edinburgh
Ref No: 22/00124/FUL
Closing date for comments: Fri 25 Feb 2022
Determination date: Wed 23 Mar 2022
Result: Pending
Cockburn Response
The Cockburn OBJECTS to this application.
This application has been brought to the Cockburn’s attention by concerned local stakeholders. The proposed telecommunications equipment would result in excessive visual clutter within the streetscape.
The proposal would have a harmful impact upon the visual quality of the wider street scene and so detract from the amenity and special character of the conservation area and from residential amenity. It is our view that the application is not consistent with Policy Env 6 Conservation Areas – Development as it does not preserve or enhance the special character or appearance of the conservation area.
This application should certainly be refused if it is determined that the benefits of the proposed installation are deemed not to outweigh the harm caused to the conservation area and if there is insufficient evidence that alternative sites or mast sharing opportunities have been adequately explored.
We understand the essential requirement for modern telecommunications infrastructure in our city and its importance to residents. However, we believe that, in consultation with local stakeholders, the proposed apparatus should be located in a more inconspicuous location or disaggregated into smaller, less conspicuous arrays if this is achievable.