Subdivision and building of a new house in Joppa Terrace

Posted on: August 13, 2021

Our objections to a proposal that will lead to an unacceptable loss of local garden space, local greenspace and community amenity in Joppa

Address: Land Opposite 21 – 24 Joppa Terrace Edinburgh

Proposal Subdivision of garden to form house plot and erection of detached dwelling including landscaping, boundary treatment, parking and formation of community garden.

Ref No: 21/03730/FUL

Closing date for comments: Fri 13 Aug 2021

Determination date:  Wed 08 Sep 2021

Result:  Pending 

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn Association OBJECTS to this application.

Local stakeholders have made contact with the Cockburn Association in relation to this application and we are aware that similar proposals for this site have been refused in the past.

If is our view that this proposal represents an unacceptable loss of local garden space, local greenspace and community amenity and would detract from the distinctive Victorian character of the terrace. The loss of this local urban greenspace would also be incomparable with the Council’s stated aims of increasing tree cover and addressing the Climate Emergency.

In these circumstances Policy Env 18 (Open Space Protection) and Policy Env 6 Conservation Areas – Development should be considered relevant to the application site.

It must also be the case that approval of this application will help to set a precedent for the loss of similar spaces in the neighborhood and across the city.