Harbour 31
Posted on: July 21, 2022
This project has significant positive aspirations for its impact on Leith. However, the materials provided for this consultation are very not comprehensive or detailed and so are of limited usefulness in facilitating a meaningful assessment of the current proposals.

Cockburn Response
This project has significant positive aspirations for its impact on Leith. However, the materials provided for this consultation are very not comprehensive or detailed and so are of limited usefulness in facilitating a meaningful assessment of the current proposals.
Very little detail is provided relating to design and tenure of proposed residential areas or of the design of the proposed non-residential elements of the development.
Very little detail is provided on the design and character of the proposed greenspace and public space elements including how the location’s foreshore/dockland potential is being actively exploited. And it is disappointing to see no evidence of the potential being acknowledged for biodiversity improvements on the foreshore and in the docks e.g. floating islands.
We would also like to see more detailed Information relating to proposed new vehicular routes through the site and to active travel opportunities and connectivity to and through the new development.
Many large scale developments are planned for Leith or are already under way. Further information is required to understand the actual or potential relationship between Harbour 31 and these developments.
We would also like to understand how this development is responding proactively to the worsening predications for Edinburgh relating to climate change, particular sea-level rise, and its potential negative impact on this dockland development.
Finally ,in our view a revised masterplan/sustainability strategy for the Leith area is an urgent priority.
Image: Consultation website