Eyre Place Townhouses

Posted on: October 13, 2023

The revised application looks more like sporadic urban development than placemaking

Address: 72 – 74 Eyre Place Edinburgh EH3 5EL

Proposal: Erect 7x townhouses with associated amenity space, access, cycle parking, car parking and landscaping

Reference No: 23/04046/FUL

Closing date for comments: Fri 06 Oct 2023

Determination date: Fri 03 Nov 2023

Erect 7x townhouses with associated amenity space, access, cycle parking, car parking and landscaping

Cockburn Response

The original proposal for this site consisted of 9 townhouses, now reduced to 7.

The Cockburn now objects to this application,.Townhouses may be acceptable on this site.  But the revised application looks more like sporadic urban development rather than carefully considered placemaking

We  also reiterate our comments made regarding the earlier application:

We accept that townhouses may be appropriate for this location.

However, the current proposals require revision. In particular, the urban form and disposition of adjacent properties on Eyre Place Lane should be respected.  This specifically includes a more sympathetic response to varying ground levels on the site.

In addition, the stepped access to the proposed townhouses seems inconsistent with the principles of today’s accessibility requirements and aspirations for residential properties. Such access restricts their suitability to potential residents.

We have  also been alerted to detailed observations and comments  which have been made by local residents concerning both this development and a related proposal for student accommodation  on Eyre Place. These detailed observations require full consideration by planning officers.