Development application for 265 Morningside Road

Posted on: July 30, 2021

Our objection to a proposed development that fails to integrate sympathetically with the traditional streetscape in Morningside

Address:  265 Morningside Road Edinburgh EH10 4RD

Proposal Form ground floor retail unit and 11x flats in upper floors with associated cycle parking and infrastructure

Ref No: 21/03622/FUL

Closing date for comments: Friday 06 Aug 2021

Determination date:  Monday 06 Sep 2021

Result:  Pending 

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn Association OBJECTS to this application.

We support the redevelopment in principle but only if it is to again make a positive contribution to the life of the Morningside community and contributes positively to the character and streetscape of Morningside Road and the local area. This scheme fails to do that.

The proposed development is unacceptable in its current form. It fails to draw architectural elements from surrounding tenements. It fails to integrate sympathetically with the traditional streetscape and with the scale and fabric of the nearby buildings of the Morningside community and conservation area. The large flat roof and unconvincing attempt to create a “roofscape” with a change of material, and the unsuccessful turning of the corner into Hermitage Terrace all require attention.

We are also concerned with the number of single aspect flats being proposed, which believe to be substandard accommodation. The spatial dimensions of the flats could also be improved, enabling increased amenity and offering better conditions for home-working that might be expected post-Covid.

An alternative proposal, developed with due consideration to its setting and materiality of the surrounding streetscape may be acceptable. However, there is a clear opportunity to masterplan this section of Morningside Road and to create a new section of street which is fully consistent with the traditional character of the conservation area and adds value to the street life of the community.