Demolition of existing buildings and erection of apartments and associated development at 27 Arthur Street

Posted on: April 7, 2021

Our objection to the proposed demolition of a building at 27 Arthur Street, Leith

Address: 27 Arthur Street Edinburgh EH6 5DA

Ref No: 21/00991/FUL

Closing date for comments: 7th April 2021

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn Association OBJECTS to this application.

27 Arthur Street is actively used as an affordable artistic and venue space that demonstrably diversifies and promotes a vibrant cultural identity and cultural activities at local community level outside the confines of the city centre.


Our objection is consistent with our call in the Association’s ‘Our Unique City‘ statement and in recent City of Edinburgh Council consultations to move the concentration of event and cultural activity away from the city centre and to disperse such activity across Edinburgh’s communities, for the amenity and benefit of those communities.


In ‘Our Unique City‘ we have stressed the importance of a holistic view which looks at the functions of buildings as well as the buildings themselves. Such a consideration is even more important now given the City of Edinburgh Council’s interest in and stated commitment to the concept of  the 20-minute City.