Demolition and redevelopment at New Market Road

Posted on: March 25, 2022

We object to this proposal which would adversely impact historic auction mart buildings and livestock sheds, some of which are over 120 years old.

Address: Site 117 Metres Southwest Of 6 New Market Road Edinburgh

Proposal:  Mixed-use development including built-to-rent homes and student accommodation with ancillary development including commercial use

Reference No: 22/00670/FUL 

Closing date for comments: 25/3/2022

Determination date: 30/6/2022

Result: Pending

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn Association objects to this application.

The development site includes listed and unlisted auction mart buildings and livestock sheds some of which are over 120 years old. These are an important part of the commercial history of Chesser and of Edinburgh and every effort should be made to secure their retention.

The current proposals do not achieve that aim and should be revised to secure a more significant retention of the site’s cultural and historical interest.  Heritage considerations should drive the revision of plans for this site. The scale, mass, and materiality of any new structures on this site should reflect and be sympathetic to those original structures which are retained.

Any development on this site needs to be integrated successfully and fully into the existing local community and environment. As proposed, current plans lack through routes, linkages to active travel routes and sufficient greenspace and landscaping.

Existing football and bowling facilities will be lost under the current proposal. These are valuable recreational resource for the local area and the city.

We note the car-free nature of this development.  However, if new restrictions are not placed on future residents with respect to car ownership.  The potential for congestion on neighbouring streets due to off-site parking is considerable.  This is not a city centre location. A car-free development may not be suitable.