Commercial Quay
Posted on: February 5, 2021
Our objection to plans to infill a commemorative water feature in Leith
Location: Commercial Quay, Leith
Planning Application No: 20/05851/FUL
Summary: Proposed infilling of water features and restaurant redevelopment
Cockburn Response
The Cockburn Association OBJECTS to the proposed infilling of water features at Commercial Quay and their replacement with decking in a designated conservation area and area of public amenity.
It is our view that the loss of this water feature, which references the industrial heritage of the old Leith docks, and its proposed replacement with decking is totally inappropriate for the historic quayside setting and for the conservation area.
The City of Edinburgh Council’s guidance in Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas makes it clear that “when considering development within a conservation area, special attention must be paid to its character and appearance. Proposals which fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the area will normally be refused”.
It is our view that these proposals fail to preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the area and therefore should be refused.
We find the application confusing, with poor diagrams and no design statement.