Cameron Toll Hotel Proposal

Posted on: July 22, 2022

it seems entirely reasonable to conclude that there is a real potential for a hotel of the proposed scale, height, and proximity to have an undesirable and unacceptable impact on Dunedin School

Address: Cameron Toll Shopping Centre 6 Lady Road Edinburgh

Proposal:  Proposed hotel development, along with site wide Masterplan proposals for enhanced public realm and improved active travel links within the site and associated landscaping.

Reference No: 22/03151/FUL

Closing date for comments:  22 Jul 2022

Determination date:  14 Oct 2022

Result: Pending 

Cockburn Response

The Cockburn Association objects to this application.

We do not accept that individual elements of the planned redevelopment of Cameron Toll can be properly assessed until a comprehensive masterplan for the whole site has be published fully consulted on and approved.

There are many issues which are relevant to this planning application for a new hotel on the Cameron Toll site which can only be adequately considered and addressed in the context of the site as a whole. These include, but are not limited to:  How is site-wide and  community connectivity to be achieved? How are active travel, Tramline  3 and ‘red light’ routes to be integrated or protected? What is the nature of wider civic connections and services to the neighbouring communities? What is the future of the current retail offering at Cameron Toll? Where is the data on current pattern of use/travel at Cameron Toll and how is this informing future use? How is the concept of a 20-minute neighbourhood being integrated into proposals for the whole Cameron Toll redevelopment? How will the new Cameron Toll, and its individual components, contribute to the city’s ambitious 2030 climate targets?

In addition, Cockburn stakeholders have raised concerns about the potential negative impact of the proposed hotel development on the setting, essential educational ambiance, and functionality of Dunedin School. This unique educational establishment, of some historical interest, is a close neighbour of the proposed development. However, reference to Dunedin School in the materials posted in support of the current planning application are very limited. Indeed, a meaningful consideration of the potential impact of the proposed hotel on the school is not possible as things stand. Although  it seems entirely reasonable to conclude that there is a real potential for a hotel of the proposed scale, height, and proximity to have an undesirable and unacceptable impact on the school.

Image: Planning Application