Alterations to The Old Waverley Hotel
Posted on: August 9, 2023
The proposed new entrance is a positive improvement to the street frontage
Address: 43 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 2BY
Proposal: Alterations to basement /ground floor retail units to incorporate into the existing hotel use, with addition of Class 3 to allow restaurant and bar use etc
Reference No: 23/02841/FUL
Closing date for comments: Sun 13 Aug 2023
Determination date: Fri 01 Sep 2023
Cockburn Response
The proposed new entrance is a positive improvement to the street frontage and a more suitable and accessible entrance for this prominent hotel. The proposals will retain some ground level activity along Princes Street.
The proposed restaurant and proposed improvements to the meuse lane are also positive.
The approved roof extension will rationalise the rather negative, unattractive and jumbled aesthetic of the current roofscape.
However, more information on access and servicing would have been welcome.