St Mark’s Episcopal Church

287 High Street, Portobello, Edinburgh, EH15 2AR
Phone: 0131 629 1219

St Mark’s church in Portobello is a B-listed neo-classical villa-style building consecrated in 1828. This past year, our outside space at the church has proved important during the coronavirus lockdown for both church members and the local community.

Many people have come to sit in the garden, walk round the graveyard, place a ribbon on the prayer tree, visit the Memorial Garden at the back, and make use of out ‘Tardis’ little lending library. We will continue to make these spaces available to all who wish to visit, sit and reflect.

For last year’s digital Doors Open Days, we put together this special page of history, films and downloadable leaflets which particularly highlights our gardens and graveyard. We hope this virtual visit will encourage you to visit us in person the next time you pass along our way.

Visit Virtually

Edinburgh and East Lothian Doors Open Days is supported by:

Arnold Clark Community FundHinshelwood Gibson TrustEuropean Heritage DaysScottish Civic TrustUrwin Studio Edinburgh Web Design

Event Sponsor