Queensferry Benchmark and Sundial Walk

South Queeensferry, EH30 9JU

The Queensferry Heritage Trust (Reg Charity No: SCO45644) has created a Queensferry Benchmark and Sundial Walk. This self-guided walk is a quirky circular tour and treasure trail that threads through South Queensferry, locating Ordnance Survey benchmarks and sundials across our town.

The guide is available from our website and includes lots of interesting local historical information, a tick-list of architectural features to find and a fun quiz.

It can be downloaded and printed as an A5 booklet or as A4 sheets for larger print, or you can also download it to your smartphone for direct use.

The route covers approximately 2.5 miles, so you should allow around one hour to complete. The walk is of easy to moderate difficulty. There are some steps, but these can be avoided. Please take care on public roads and be respectful of private property.

The Trust has also created the recorded, illustrated talk below by Frank Hay, explaining what a benchmark actually is and some of the history behind the Ordnance Survey who chiselled them into our walls and buildings. This talk goes into more detail about the some of the locations in the guide.

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