Museum on the Mound
The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 1YZ
Phone: 0131 243 5464
Doors to nowhere, secret hidey-holes and a room where money used to go up in smoke! Have you ever wondered what used to happen within the Bank of Scotland’s Head Office?
This year the Museum on the Mound is delighted to welcome Doors Open Days visitors again on Saturday 25th September from 1pm-5pm (further details below).
If you can’t make it along in person this time we have also specially created Hidden History of the Mound, another short film for you to enjoy a virtual visit from wherever you are right now. You can find a copy of the illustrated history booklet that accompanies our film, to print and bind at home, at our Doors Open Days page on our website.
Visit in Person
Museum on the Mound will be open for free, in-person visits on Saturday 25th, from 1pm-5pm.
You’ll be able to see our newly refurbished displays on the history of Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Bank and, Covid restrictions allowing, take part in various free activities including coin-striking, badge-making, object handling and book binding.
Please note that only the museum will be open to the public. No access is available to the main Head Office building.