McArthur’s Store

Dunbar Harbour Trust, Victoria Street, Dunbar, EH42 1HW

McArthur’s Store is owned by Dunbar Harbour Trust and is at Cromwell Harbour in Dunbar, East Lothian. It is a rare example of an early 17th century harbour warehouse and one of the oldest surviving in Scotland. This category B listed building has a distinctive character derived from its position and origins as a quayside granary. Latterly used as a store and workshop by the Dunbar fishermen, by the turn of the millennium the building had fallen into a state of advanced disrepair and dilapidation.

Edinburgh based LDN Architects were commissioned in 2007 by the Dunbar Townscape Heritage Initiative to develop proposals for the repair and conservation to ensure the survival of the building for future use by the fishermen. The proposal also included the refurbishment of areas of the ground floor as communal meeting room and office space for the Dunbar Harbour Trust.

The project was granted funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic Scotland, amongst others. Archaeological investigation during the construction works have revealed remains of former harbour buildings and basin walls and highlighted the significance of some of the building elements: rare surviving examples of ship timbers were re-used as posts and beams throughout the building.

Visit in Person

McArthur’s Store will be open to Doors Open Days visitors on both Saturday 25th September and Sunday 26th September from 2pm to 4pm. Members of the Dunbar Harbour Trust will be in attendance to answer questions.





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Edinburgh and East Lothian Doors Open Days is supported by:

Arnold Clark Community FundHinshelwood Gibson TrustEuropean Heritage DaysScottish Civic TrustUrwin Studio Edinburgh Web Design

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