Heriot Watt University Campus

The Avenue, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
Email: engage@hw.ac.uk

Explore Heriot-Watt University virtually and through a new series of self-guided outdoors trails, celebrating its bicentennial year!

It was established in 1821 as the School of Arts of Edinburgh, the world’s first Mechanics’ Institute, to provide technical education for the working classes. Since then, the university has always strived to give everyone access to education in science and technology, and now has campuses across the world, pioneering in education, and working towards overcoming global challenges.

As part of Doors Open Days weekend, you can visit the 380 acres of beautiful parkland at the Edinburgh campus and discover the beautiful landscape with three new interactive trails, exploring our research, heritage and trees.

You can also explore the campuses virtually, take a sneak peak in the labs, and hear about how research is changing lives. Visit our social media channels and website for virtual tours that can be accessed at any time.


Visit in Person

Take a self-guided interactive trail in the 380 acres of parkland at our Edinburgh campus.

Visit in Person!

Edinburgh and East Lothian Doors Open Days is supported by:

Arnold Clark Community FundHinshelwood Gibson TrustEuropean Heritage DaysScottish Civic TrustUrwin Studio Edinburgh Web Design

Event Sponsor