Gorgie Dalry Stenhouse Church
158 Dalry Road, Edinburgh, EH11 2HB
Email: contactus@gdschurch.org.uk
An Architectural Pilgrimage of Seven Churches becoming one, Gorgie Dalry Stenhouse Church of Scotland
For 120 years GDS Church’s main building in Gorgie has served the local community and watched over Hearts supporters in victory and defeat. But it is not where we started.
Our current congregation represents the descendants of no fewer than seven original churches planted into the local area since Edinburgh first began to expand to the south-west in 1875. Over the years, these churches were consolidated through six unions into today’s Gorgie Dalry Stenhouse Church, making it the largest parish in Edinburgh.
GDS Church is, first and foremost, the people, our congregation and community – but places which are lived in and loved become sacred in their own way and worth remembering in their own right.
We won’t be opening our actual doors for Doors Open Days this year but we have produced a series of three short local-history films, which journey through the last 150 years and from Haymarket to HMP Edinburgh, as we seek out the much loved buildings now lost forever and learn to better appreciate those which remain.
Find all three short local history films examining the seven church buildings (existing and demolished), to which we can trace our ancestry as a church in the local area, and everything else we are doing for Doors Open Day 2021 here or watch Part One below.