Edinburgh Photographic Society
68 Great King Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6QU
Email: enquiries@edinburghphotographicsociety.co.uk
1861 was the year that Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA and the year the One o’clock Gun was set up at Edinburgh Castle. It was also the year that Edinburgh Photographic Society was founded.
Edinburgh Photographic Society has called a number of different buildings home and we moved into Great King Street in 1954. The building was built around 1817 and is a Category A listed building within the UNESCO World Heritage site. Entry is via a grand pillared entrance hall which leads to a lecture hall, exhibition spaces, a library, several meeting rooms and two studios. Although it has had a number of facelifts and some essential modernisation it retains a lot of the charm and features of the original building.
We are a friendly group and meet several times a week from Sept- April. We enjoy hearing from visiting speakers, holding exhibitions and taking part in competitions. We also hold an annual International Exhibition of Photography which enables us to welcome many visitors.
Please enjoy the “virtual visit” video we have created for this Doors Open Days to show you around until we open to the public once again.