Custom House, Leith

65-67 Commercial Street, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6LH
Phone: 0131 220 1232

Custom House, one of Leith’s most distinctive Georgian buildings, is now a buzzing creative hub and hireable event space in the heart of The Shore. It is the oldest custom house in Scotland, now an A-listed Georgian Building. Custom House was designed by Robert Reid in a neo-classical style constructed between 1810-12 with alterations by William Burns in 1825.

The building is reawakening from its slumber as a store for museum artefacts and is evolving from its early life as custom house for ships arriving into Leith. Scottish Historic Buildings Trust is the charity looking for interesting pop-up uses for the building – meaning that for the next five or so years the building really is a blank canvas for people to do realise their creative ambitions.

SHBT are a non-profit charity devoted to saving historic buildings at risk and breathing new life into them for the benefit of future generations.

Visit in Person

Custom House is delighted to open its doors again to the public on Saturday 25th September from 10am-4pm (last entry at 4pm). Visits must be pre-booked on the Eventbrite link below.

Visitors will enter in timeslots to ensure smooth movement around the building, and should check in with a member of our team at the front door. You will have an opportunity to hear about the ongoing restoration project before visiting our tenants’ studios and seeing the building’s historic features. Booking is essential.

Make the most of your visit by meeting our tenants, viewing their work, and enjoy the café and activities in Custom Lane. On Saturday, be sure to make the most of Leith Market in the Dock Place car park where you will be able to sample some of wares of local vendors!



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Visit in Person!

Edinburgh and East Lothian Doors Open Days is supported by:

Arnold Clark Community FundHinshelwood Gibson TrustEuropean Heritage DaysScottish Civic TrustUrwin Studio Edinburgh Web Design

Event Sponsor