Appleton Tower

11 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9LE

A controversial building since its inception, Appleton Tower recently underwent a thorough refurbishment with a new entrance and enhanced facilities and services and earned the ‘Design Through Innovation’ award in the 2018 RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) Awards.

Home to the University’s world-leading School of Informatics since the Cowgate fire in 2002, it’s currently used for teaching, while research has moved to the Informatics Forum across the road. The state-of-the-art study suite on Level 9 offers amazing views of the city.

Join us this Doors Open Days weekend for a virtual tour of the building on the School of Informatics website, including historical information and information about research in the School of Informatics.

Links will also be posted nearer the time on our social media channels.

Edinburgh and East Lothian Doors Open Days is supported by:

Arnold Clark Community FundHinshelwood Gibson TrustEuropean Heritage DaysScottish Civic TrustUrwin Studio Edinburgh Web Design

Event Sponsor