Abbeyhill Baptist Church

22 Elgin Terrace, Edinburgh, EH7 5PB
Phone: 0131 557 4110

One hundred and twenty-five years ago, a shop at 24 Easter Road in Edinburgh was the unlikely setting on the 29th November 1895 for a group of friends who met to constitute a new Baptist Church.

They met in various building between then and 1902 when they moved for the last time into their own premises which are still in use today. It was built on the drying green of the tenement on Elgin Terrace, hence the unusual shape of the building.

The building has a flat roof, and this became the drying green for the flats within the tenement. The first service in the building was held on Sunday 30th November 1902.

In 1934 the church purchased the adjoining Brunswick Road Dance Halls which made up the ground floor of the tenement block.

Abbeyhill Baptist Church has been part of the local Abbeyhill community since 1895 not only providing a vibrant place of worship on Sundays but also has historically been meeting some of the needs of the local community by providing social activities e.g., hosting the Bethany Night Shelter, running lunch clubs, Parent & Toddlers groups, Art Club, Keep Fit Group, Foster Carers Groups and an After-School Club.

If you can’t join us in person over Doors Open Days weekend this year (details below) do have a look at our website and Facebook page where you will find interesting articles about our history and our activities in the coming days.

Visit in Person

Abbeyhill Baptist Church will be open to Doors Open Days visitors on Saturday 25th September from 10am to 4pm and will have exhibition displays showing our history. There will also be guided tours of the building and free refreshments.





Visit in Person!

Edinburgh and East Lothian Doors Open Days is supported by:

Arnold Clark Community FundHinshelwood Gibson TrustEuropean Heritage DaysScottish Civic TrustUrwin Studio Edinburgh Web Design

Event Sponsor