State of Delivery: Bridging the gap between climate ambition and action in Scotland
POSTED ON May 30, 2023 BY James Garry
“Scotland is ‘off-track’….. achieving Scotland’s legally binding 2030 emissions reduction target is ‘at significant risk’ and delivery on adaptation has stalled “
The Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG) is a collection of like-minded leaders spanning Scotland’s private, public and third sectors, delivery organisations and membership bodies.
The group aims to inform and influence the Scottish Government’s response to the climate emergency by providing practical, workable solutions that can be implemented – not in the future, but now.
Using its diverse experience, the group drafted proposals for climate action. After launching in August 2019, the group’s 12-point plan for action was adopted by the Scottish Government as part of its 2019 Programme for Government to support its target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2045.
In 2020 the group drafted proposals on the Green Recovery which were recognised in the 2020 Programme for Government.
The group continues its work to promote these practical proposals and hold the Scottish Government to account on its commitments.
This report, published by the Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG) in May 2023 presents four priorities for action by the Scottish Government by 2023. Read the full report here.