Our Past, Our Future: The Strategy for Scotland’s Historic Environment

POSTED ON June 28, 2023 BY James Garry

Our Past, Our Future has been developed collaboratively and is collectively owned

What do the next 5 years hold for Scotland’s historic environment? Launched today,  Our Past, Our Future– Scotland’s national strategy for the historic environment – provides a roadmap which:

  1. supports the transition to net zero Reuse of old buildings, sustainable tourism, embracing traditional materials and skills, incorporating energy efficiency and renewables into historic places are all part of the journey to net zero.
  2. empowers resilient & inclusive communities. Communities will be supported to be involved in decision-making about the places & heritage they love. They’ll have improved access to the skills & resources they need to care for it. Diversity will be celebrated.
  3. puts wellbeing at the heart of Scotland’s economy. It aims to create & sustain good, green jobs with fair pay, conditions, & employment opportunities. It will also look after places which support activities that enhance wellbeing.

Our Past, Our Future: The Strategy for Scotland’s Historic Environment

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