Holyrood Park Consultation – Cockburn Response

POSTED ON December 19, 2023

A more effective way of engaging with residents needs to be established

A 12-week consultation closes today (Tuesday 19 December ) in which Historic Environment Scotland (HES)   has asked the public to have their say on the future of Holyrood Park in Edinburgh.

In addition to the responses which we gave to the specific questions in the survey, we also outlined  seven priority ‘asks’:

  1. Establish an effective framework (such as a reference group) of stakeholders as part of the ongoing consultation process. Such a framework/group should have a majority representation of local residents and include recognised experts relevant to the future management of the Park and its assets.
  2. Bring more relevant information and data into the public domain relevant to the management of the park.
  3. Use Plain English and non-technical language throughout future consultations .
  4. Ensure that the Park’s decline in biodiversity is reversed.
  5. Maximise the Park’s potential to support Edinburgh’s climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges.
  6. Work with residents to effectively manage visitors and traffic.
  7. Actively consider who should manage the Park in the future.

Along with this response, Ramblers Scotland  is submitting a petition on behalf of a number of  partner organisations (Ramblers Scotland, the Cockburn Association, Edinburgh Geological Society, Mountaineering Scotland and ScotWays). This petition calls for the reopening of the Radical Road and to date has been signed by over 3,600 people, demonstrating the strength of feeling on this issue.

Consultation: A new future for Edinburgh’s Holyrood Park

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