Tall Tales Virtual Tour – returning for Doors Open Days

Sunday 26th September at 3pm

What do a fireman, a Polish war veteran, a Roman Emperor, a horse from Ancient Macedonia, an African explorer, and a dog called Toby, all have in common? They all have ‘Tall Tales’ to be told about them – come and find out about them on a Tall Tales virtual walking tour by a qualified STGA Blue Badge Guide

Partnerning up with the Cockburn Association and its Doors Open Days Programme, the Scottish Tourist Guide Association Edinburgh team that brought you the successful and popular Tall Tales in the Summer, offers an interesting and enjoyable tour from the Old Town to the New Town, looking at the fascinating stories behind some of the statues in the world-class collection of this wonderful World Heritage City.

If you missed the tour in the Summer, we would love you to join us as part of Edinburgh’s Doors Open Days on this FREE virtual tour on Sunday 26th September beginning at 3pm and finishing around 4.30pm

Book Here