Picturing Leith: Leith History Mural Town Hall Event

Sat, 28 January 2023

‘Picturing Leith’ is a community art and heritage project led by LeithLate which aims to bring people together and celebrate Leith’s community spirit. The project centres around Leith’s much-loved history mural located at the corner of Ferry Road and North Junction Street.

After 40 years of Scottish weather the mural is noticeably fading away. This iconic tapestry of Leith’s rich and varied life is a uniquely crafted collection of memories, deserving of some much needed revival.

This event will explore the full story behind the mural’s past, present and future. Through the lens of a short film, panel discussion, Q&A and collaborative breakout session LeithLate aims to provoke a community dialogue on how the mural may be conserved, preserved, altered or transformed for future generations. Attention will be given to the original title “Into the Future with a Strong Community”, as painted in 1986 by Tim Chalk and Paul Grime, asking participants to reflect on what this message means to them.

For those who cannot attend the event but would like to contribute, or simply know more about the project, visit the LeithLate website. Complete the online survey and have your say!


ByLeith Late

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