November Lecture: Changing his tune: Robert Bruce, Ireland, and the papacy

9 Nov 2023

This will be a hybrid event hosted by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland which will take place both in Augustine United Church and online. Immediately after the lecture there will be a drinks reception.

Please keep an eye on the Society website, e-newsletters and your email inbox for the latest news and further information on Society events.

This event is free and open to everyone.

Lecture will be presented by Dr Fiona Watson

Robert Bruce had been on a mission for over a decade by 1318, intent on forcing a peace treaty out of England acknowledging Scottish independence and his own rights as king. After Bannockburn, ever more extravagant military options were pursued to try to force the issue, a priority that required avoiding direct engagement with Pope John XXII who was determined to stop the violence. The death of Bruce’s heir, his brother Edward, in Ireland in October 1318 changed all that.

Lecturer Details

Fiona Watson is a freelance writer and historian specialising in the wars between Scotland and England. She has published many books and articles on medieval Scotland and Scottish environmental/landscape history and has recently made a foray into turning the Anglo-Scottish wars into fiction. She is also sometimes called upon to wax lyrical on any of the above on TV or radio.

House Rules

The Society has a zero-tolerance policy on harassment and bullying.

All attendees are requested to act with respect to one another during this hybrid event.

Anyone making comments which we believe to be inappropriate (e.g. offensive or abusive) will be removed from the event immediately. Equivalent procedures (e.g. with regard to spam) will apply online.


The main entrance to the church is up four steps with a handrail.

Step free access is available via a door to the right of the building – please ring the bell for attention. Please note there is a tight turn in this passageway.

A standard accessible toilet is available on the ground floor and lower level (accessible via lift).

The venue (AUC sanctuary) has a hearing loop included.

Assistance dogs are allowed inside the venue.

If attending via Zoom, captions are included.

You can find further information on Accessibility here.

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