Entertainment for all the Family? Going to the Pictures in Edinburgh

12 Oct 2022

Trevor Griffiths will explore Edinburgh’s engagement with film from the emergence of cinemas as popular entertainment, the buildings used to show moving pictures and how the city has been depicted on the silver screen, reflecting the observation of Sir Sean Connery that ‘Edinburgh seems to have been built as a film set’.

Trevor is a Reader in Economic and Social History at the University of Edinburgh. Of late, his work has centred on the social history of the cinema, particularly in relation to Scotland. He has published a monograph, The Cinema and Cinema-going in Scotland, 1896-1950 (2012), and was an editor and contributor to the collection of essays, Early Cinema in Scotland, 1896-1927 (Edinburgh, 2018). The latter was shortlisted for the Saltire Society’s Research Book of the Year.


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