Citizen River Habitat Survey Training part 1

Tuesday, July 18

This is an initial training session designed to teach you about Citizen River Habitat Surveying (cRHS), why we use it and what it can help show us about our rivers.

By understanding the changes humans have made to our rivers in the past we can understand the factors that are limiting the return of wildlife and additionally help us identify areas where the river cannot return to its natural processes without our intervention.

Despite major improvements in water quality over the last four decades we have not seen the return of wildlife that was predicted, so it has become apparent that there must be other limiting factors. Loss of habitat has been identified as the most likely barrier and as such it is important that we asses our rivers and identify the modifications made to them in the past.

The aim is to build a group of trained local volunteers who can survey their river and create a picture of the habitat loss across it.

This is the first of two sessions we require our volunteers to go through before they can take part in cRHS surveying. This allows us to train you to a point where the data you gather will be accurate and measurable in comparison to data gathered using existing methods.

The first session is consists of an evening class indoors lasting about 4 hours. After completion of this we will request that you attend asecond training session which takes place outdoors and lasts a full day. This will allows us to make sure you are completing the surveys consistently, gives you time to practise the method and provides pletny of opportunitiy to answer your questions.

Booking on this training is essential, if for any reason you cannot make the training, please can you let us know by email.


By Forth Rivers Trust Citizen Esk project

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