30 Years of Opening Doors!
27th September 2020 at 1pm
Join Oliver Barratt, former Secretary of the Cockburn Association, in conversation with our current Director, Terry Levinthal.
This is the Cockburn Association’s 30th year organising Doors Open Days. Oliver and Terry will reflect on our three decades of delivering this treasured annual peek behind the scenes at venues across the city.
Oliver will also share some of his memories of the city’s vastly changing approach to development and conservation during his significant time at the helm of the Cockburn Association from 1972-1992.
Curated especially for the Cockburn Association’s 30th year hosting Doors Open Days events in Edinburgh, along this year’s theme of “Opening the Doors to Hidden Histories” this is the latest in a series of different and distinctive discussions under the banner “Cockburn Conversations”.
Tickets to these events are free, but please do consider becoming a member of the Cockburn Association. We are an independent conservation charity and we need your assistance to help us continue protecting Edinburgh’s wonderful civic amenities and unique built heritage.
Questions can be submitted in advance to admin@cockburnassociation.org.uk . Please subject your email: “Cockburn Conversations – Oliver Barratt”.
Only ONE ticket per screen, per event is required to be booked.