Conference Report: Responsible Tourism

“There is a requirement of the tourism industry to consider the host community first and foremost, and to actively engage outside of a sector echo-chamber. There is a responsibility of the tourists themselves to be conscious travellers and guests. There is a responsibility for the Government to establish and enforce concrete regulations and direct the revenue of levies where it rightfully belongs. There is a responsibility of the local community to engage where possible in these conversations and voice their concerns as well as suggest opportunities for management.

Should we all accept these responsibilities, this city that is a good place to visit will remain a good place to live.”

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Conference Report: Responsible Tourism

POSTED ON January 21, 2025

“There is a requirement of the tourism industry to consider the host community first and foremost, and to actively engage outside of a sector echo-chamber. There is a responsibility of the tourists themselves to be conscious travellers and guests. There is a responsibility for the Government to establish and enforce concrete regulations and direct the revenue of levies where it rightfully belongs. There is a responsibility of the local community to engage where possible in these conversations and voice their concerns as well as suggest opportunities for management.

Should we all accept these responsibilities, this city that is a good place to visit will remain a good place to live.”

“There is a requirement of the tourism industry to consider the host community first and foremost, and to actively engage outside of a sector echo-chamber. There is a responsibility of the tourists themselves to be conscious travellers and guests. There is a responsibility for the Government to establish and enforce concrete regulations and direct the revenue of levies where it rightfully belongs. There is a responsibility of the local community to engage where possible in these conversations and voice their concerns as well as suggest opportunities for management.

Should we all accept these responsibilities, this city that is a good place to visit will remain a good place to live.”

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Mass Tourism: Discontents and Dilemmas

POSTED ON September 20, 2024 BY Lesley Martin

As the 2024 Edinburgh Summer Festivals recede into the past once more, it is a good time to draw breath, take stock, and think about what it is about tourism in Edinburgh that most needs to be addressed.

As the 2024 Edinburgh Summer Festivals recede into the past once more, it is a good time to draw breath, take stock, and think about what it is about tourism in Edinburgh that most needs to be addressed.

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Bring forth the Tourist Tax

POSTED ON September 7, 2022 BY Terry Levinthal

The tourist tax should be ringfenced for environmental, conservation, or other projects relating to the improvement of Edinburgh’s places. A dedicated External Advisory Panel comprising heritage, resident and tourism organisations should be formed to provide advice and guidance [for projects and programmes].

The tourist tax should be ringfenced for environmental, conservation, or other projects relating to the improvement of Edinburgh’s places. A dedicated External Advisory Panel comprising heritage, resident and tourism organisations should be formed to provide advice and guidance [for projects and programmes].

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Latest Holyrood Short-Term Let Consultation

POSTED ON October 27, 2021

A Scottish Parliamentary Committee consultation on short-term lets closes soon. The STL industry is encouraging its stakeholders to comment, we’re keen that local residents also have their say.

A Scottish Parliamentary Committee consultation on short-term lets closes soon. The STL industry is encouraging its stakeholders to comment, we’re keen that local residents also have their say.

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Can Edinburgh’s festivals be reinvented?

POSTED ON August 30, 2021 BY Cliff Hague

Cockburn Chairperson Prof Cliff Hague offers his observations on a recent summit hosted by the Edinburgh International Book Festival to discuss a new “vision” for the future of Edinburgh’s festivals

Cockburn Chairperson Prof Cliff Hague offers his observations on a recent summit hosted by the Edinburgh International Book Festival to discuss a new “vision” for the future of Edinburgh’s festivals

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Dividend or Divide? Edinburgh’s Festivals in 2021 and beyond

POSTED ON June 25, 2021

Some observations on recent comments from leading voices in the local cultural events sector about the future of Edinburgh’s Festivals

Some observations on recent comments from leading voices in the local cultural events sector about the future of Edinburgh’s Festivals

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Where next for the Edinburgh Events Sector?

POSTED ON June 15, 2021

A guest blog from Prof Cliff Hague OBE, the Cockburn Association’s Chairperson

A guest blog from Prof Cliff Hague OBE, the Cockburn Association’s Chairperson

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A warning shot across our bows?

POSTED ON March 5, 2021

A brief response to a recent Scotsman article about the Cockburn’s view on Edinburgh’s tourism and events sector

A brief response to a recent Scotsman article about the Cockburn’s view on Edinburgh’s tourism and events sector

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Whose Festival is it Anyway? Reflections on our recent Cockburn Conference

POSTED ON February 26, 2021

A blog from our chairperson, Prof Cliff Hague OBE

A blog from our chairperson, Prof Cliff Hague OBE

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Comments on Short-term Lets Consultation

POSTED ON July 16, 2019

The Cockburn Association welcomes this consultation and calls for urgent action to address the problems associated with Short Term Lets (STL) in Edinburgh.

The Cockburn Association welcomes this consultation and calls for urgent action to address the problems associated with Short Term Lets (STL) in Edinburgh.

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