Conference Report: Responsible Tourism

“There is a requirement of the tourism industry to consider the host community first and foremost, and to actively engage outside of a sector echo-chamber. There is a responsibility of the tourists themselves to be conscious travellers and guests. There is a responsibility for the Government to establish and enforce concrete regulations and direct the revenue of levies where it rightfully belongs. There is a responsibility of the local community to engage where possible in these conversations and voice their concerns as well as suggest opportunities for management.

Should we all accept these responsibilities, this city that is a good place to visit will remain a good place to live.”

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Conference Report: Responsible Tourism

POSTED ON January 21, 2025

“There is a requirement of the tourism industry to consider the host community first and foremost, and to actively engage outside of a sector echo-chamber. There is a responsibility of the tourists themselves to be conscious travellers and guests. There is a responsibility for the Government to establish and enforce concrete regulations and direct the revenue of levies where it rightfully belongs. There is a responsibility of the local community to engage where possible in these conversations and voice their concerns as well as suggest opportunities for management.

Should we all accept these responsibilities, this city that is a good place to visit will remain a good place to live.”

“There is a requirement of the tourism industry to consider the host community first and foremost, and to actively engage outside of a sector echo-chamber. There is a responsibility of the tourists themselves to be conscious travellers and guests. There is a responsibility for the Government to establish and enforce concrete regulations and direct the revenue of levies where it rightfully belongs. There is a responsibility of the local community to engage where possible in these conversations and voice their concerns as well as suggest opportunities for management.

Should we all accept these responsibilities, this city that is a good place to visit will remain a good place to live.”

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Responsible Tourism Conference: Initial thoughts and reflections

POSTED ON October 31, 2024 BY Terry Levinthal

The conference noted that the dichotomy of “a good place to live is a good place to visit” did not follow, in that a good place to visit might not a good place to live. 

The conference noted that the dichotomy of “a good place to live is a good place to visit” did not follow, in that a good place to visit might not a good place to live. 

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Student Housing: Crisis and Opportunity? – A Cockburn Association ‘Open Edinburgh’ event

POSTED ON June 22, 2023 BY James Garry

There was no disagreement that Edinburgh has a housing crisis, and that student housing forms a part
of that crisis

There was no disagreement that Edinburgh has a housing crisis, and that student housing forms a part
of that crisis

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